About AO

Dear reader,

You live in an age characterised by an abundance of media to experience. Therefore you will have to choose which articles, music, movie clips or images you want to experience. I hope that you’ll sometimes opt for one of my images or posts, I hope they are good enough for you to admit yourself one look at them.

On this page, Admits One (AO, Goed voor één consumptie in Dutch) drawings and blogposts will appear. Sometimes a cartoon will be posted. Most times, probably a sketch with military historical subject will be put on the page, accompanied by some explanatory text. Every now and then, I hope to write a review of board games, video games, films or series.

Why? Certainly not because I think myself the greatest drawer or writer – or endeavour to be: aspiring to superlatives wil inevitably cause people to be disappointed. In part I started this because I believe that we all should show our creativity. Hopefully our cultural expressions produce questions, conversations and discussions.

AO exists for people who wonder who I am, so that they might get a first impression of me. In addition, this page serves as a place to practise, especially with regards to writing. You could consider AO my public notes.

In the end, AO is to inform and to entertain both you, the reader, and me, the creator.

Dennis van der Pligt.